Businesses in the food industry, such as commercial kitchens, delis, and grocery stores, rely on equipment that meets the highest hygiene standards. To help meet this need, Jaccard® Corporation offers two advanced meat tenderizer models: the manual Model H and the semi-automatic TSHY. Continue reading below to find out how these commercial tenderizers contribute to a sanitary production environment, then contact us to add one to your facility.

Model H

Stainless Steel Construction

The Model H and the TSHY are both constructed using 300-Series stainless steel, a material known for its durability and resistance to corrosion. This feature makes the tenderizers suitable for use in wet environments, such as commercial kitchens, where they are exposed to water, cleaning agents, and food contaminants. The stainless steel construction of Jaccard® tenderizers provides a smooth, non-porous surface that is easy to clean, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and cross-contamination.

meat processing equipment inspection

Easy Disassembly for Cleaning and Inspection

Jaccard® tenderizers are designed with easy disassembly in mind, facilitating thorough cleaning and inspection processes. The removable components, including the cutting board and other key parts, can be quickly and easily taken apart without the need for specialized tools. This feature allows operators to access hard-to-reach areas, ensuring that all surfaces are properly cleaned and inspected for any potential sanitation issues.

meat production

Safety Features

Since our inception 60 years ago, Jaccard® Corporation has prioritized the safety of operators and consumers. This is evidenced in how the Model H and the TSHY are equipped with robust safety features, such as safety guards and interlocking mechanisms, to prevent accidents and injuries during operation. These features not only protect operators from potential harm but also contribute to maintaining a sanitary production environment. By preventing unnecessary contact and reducing the risk of contamination, our commercial tenderizers contribute to a safe, clean, and hygienic meat preparation process.

food hygiene compliance representatives

Hygiene Compliance and Certifications

In addition to their innovative design and construction, Jaccard® tenderizers comply with industry hygiene standards and regulations. Our company’s commitment to quality and safety is reflected in our NSF certifications, which demonstrate adherence to strict international standards. By using Jaccard® tenderizers, your business can assure customers of your commitment to maintaining a sanitary production environment, which ultimately boosts trust and enhances your reputation.

There’s only one brand of meat processing equipment that places an equal emphasis on safety, sanitation, efficiency, and quality. That brand is Jaccard® Corporation, and now is the perfect time to become one of our partners in the food industry. Contact us today and discover how our commercial meat tenderizers can help your business maintain the highest hygiene standards while improving countless other aspects of your operations.

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