Jaccard® Corporation proudly offers two distinct meat tenderizers for commercial kitchens: the manual Model H and the semi-automatic TSHY. While both promise enhanced efficiency, reduced operating costs, and higher product quality, a closer inspection is helpful to reveal all of their cost-saving benefits. Below, we will provide an in-depth look at the latest entries in our 60-year legacy of meat processing equipment, so you can determine the best choice to bolster your bottom line.

model h meat tenderizer

The Model H Manual Meat Tenderizer

The Model H tenderizer is a manual, hand-operated meat tenderizer that excels in performance and durability. Designed to enhance efficiency, this tenderizer can process various cuts of meat quickly and easily. Its unique design allows for precise and consistent tenderizing, resulting in tender and flavorful meat every time. With its ergonomic handle and smooth operation, the Model H reduces manual effort and helps kitchen staff work more safely and efficiently.

TSHY semi-automatic meat tenderizer

The TSHY Semi-Automatic Meat Tenderizer

For businesses with high-volume meat preparation needs, the TSHY semi-automatic tenderizer is an outstanding choice. This advanced machine combines power, speed, and precision, allowing for effortless processing of large quantities of meat. The TSHY’s semi-automated operation saves time and enables kitchen staff to focus more of their attention elsewhere, while its adjustable settings effortlessly cater to different meat types and thicknesses.

deli counter with meat products

Cost Savings Through Efficiency

Both the Model H and the TSHY offer significant cost savings for multiple aspects of commercial kitchens. First, by tenderizing meat more efficiently, these machines improve cooking outcomes and reduce cooking time. This is because tenderized meat requires less cooking time and preserves more natural juices, resulting in reduced energy consumption. Additionally, the consistent tenderizing process ensures optimal portioning, minimizing food waste and maximizing profit margins.

sliced meat

Quality Assurance and Versatility

Jaccard® Corporation’s commercial tenderizers adhere to the highest standards of quality and safety. These models are constructed using premium materials and feature durable components, ensuring long-lasting performance even in demanding environments. Moreover, both the Model H and the TSHY are versatile tools that can be used to tenderize a wide range of meat cuts, allowing businesses to expand their menu offerings and cater to diverse customer preferences.

By investing in Jaccard® Corporation’s top-of-the-line meat tenderizers, commercial kitchens, delis, and grocery stores alike can enhance their productivity, improve efficiency, and ultimately provide their customers with superior meat products. Contact our team today to schedule a demonstration and find out how you can get started.

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