At Jaccard® Corporation, we understand the importance of efficiency and cost savings in the food service industry. Our NSF-certified commercial-grade gravity slicers are specially designed to withstand the demands of busy delis, food service establishments, grocery stores, commissaries, and pizza/sandwich shops. Whether you need to thinly slice meats, cheeses, or vegetables, our line of commercial-grade gravity slicers has got you covered. In this blog post, we will explore how investing in a Jaccard® commercial gravity slicer can bring significant cost savings and a strong return on investment (ROI) to your business.

Infographic about Why Invest in a Commercial Gravity Slicer

gravity slicer

Enhanced Productivity

With a Jaccard® commercial gravity slicer, you can experience enhanced productivity in your food service operations. Our gravity slicers are equipped with powerful motors and advanced cutting systems that allow for quick and precise slicing of deli meats. This efficiency helps reduce labor costs and allows your staff to focus on other important tasks, leading to increased overall productivity.

different meats

Consistent Portion Control

One of the key benefits of a Jaccard® commercial gravity slicer is its ability to deliver consistent portion control. Our slicers feature adjustable thickness gauges, allowing you to slice meats to precise thicknesses consistently. This ensures uniform slices, reducing waste and controlling portion sizes. By maintaining portion consistency, you can better manage food costs and maximize profitability.

deli tray

Extended Shelf Life and Less Waste

Jaccard® commercial gravity slicers provide precise and clean cuts, minimizing damage to the texture and structure of deli meats. This results in extended shelf life for the sliced products, reducing the risk of spoilage and waste. By investing in a high-quality gravity slicer, you can optimize inventory management and minimize food waste, leading to substantial cost savings over time.

someone slicing

Durability and Low Maintenance

Our commercial gravity slicers are built to withstand the high demands of commercial applications. Designed with durability in mind, our slicers feature rugged construction and high-quality materials to ensure longevity. Additionally, our slicers are low maintenance, requiring minimal upkeep and reducing maintenance costs. With proper care and regular cleaning, your Jaccard® commercial gravity slicer will provide years of reliable service.

deli meats and cheese

Protects Against Cross-Contamination

At Jaccard® Corporation, we understand the importance of food safety in the food service industry. Our NSF-certified commercial gravity slicers offer enhanced protection against cross-contamination with their advanced sanitation and cleanliness features. This helps reduce food waste and limits the risk of costly food recalls, protecting both your business and your customers.

From busy delis to food service establishments, our NSF-certified commercial-grade gravity slicers provide the convenience and precision required to streamline operations and deliver high-quality deli meats consistently. Invest in a Jaccard® commercial gravity slicer today and experience the long-term benefits it brings to your business. Contact us to learn more about our best commercial meat slicers, automatic deli slicers, and industrial meat slicers. Let us help you optimize your operations and achieve greater cost savings.

Get a Commercial Gravity Slicer