KT-ALP Meat Flattener
This semi-automatic mechanical meat press quickly flattens fresh or chilled meat without loss of juices or weight. It’s ideal for poultry, beef, pork or veal within small to medium production operations. Pressed meat is consistent and having an even thickness helps ensure that the meat is evenly cooked and provided optimal plate coverage. This machine is economical and costs a fraction of the large machines.
• High quality stainless steel construction.
• Two hand start up safety and security system.
• Simple sanitation: no tools required to clean or inspect.
• “Plug N’ Play” design minimizes installation and operator skills levels.
• Pressure gauge feature allows for easy
adjustment and viewing of flattening
• Fully enclosed work area to protect user.
• Automatic start when board is fully inserted.
• Diamond patterned press plate tenderizes
product and provides surface indentations
for higher retention of batters and other
flavor enhancers.
• Smooth press plate for smooth appearance of product